
PE + Technology x Creativity = ❤

For an end of the year PE extra credit assignment, I asked students to create a project which tells a little about the course and what they learned. I thought it might be fun to incorporate cool technology sites with a PE and exercise theme. Here is the info sheet and project choices...

Students have until Friday to submit projects, but here are a few I have received so far.



  1. AWH, I wish I could have the amazing-ness to be tech savvy AND in shape. (sigh) well, beggars can't be choosers, but still, you guys are awesome!

  2. I can't wait to get on this project. Wow, this year has gone by so fast! fun classes plus awesome teachers equals an amazing school year! I have enjoyed all of my classes this year. I hope that next school year is this fun. :)

  3. Wow these are Amazing projects.

  4. I would do it, but I'm tooo lazy... -__-


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