
The Importance of Computer Programming & Coding

Interested? For more info visit code.org & girldevelopit.com.


  1. So cool! Are we going to learn a little of that in this class?? :D

    1. Not in this class, but there are courses offered for those students who have passed Comp Lit - such as C++ Programming and Game Design.

  2. That's amazing! It's cool that Technology is part of our day to day life. Without Technology we wouldn't be able to do the things we do today.

  3. That's so cool! I especially like the place around them, the free food + proffesional chef and just everything that looks just amazing. loved the video

  4. Brion Keeling3/25/13, 2:12 PM

    That was awesome! I'm definitely signing up for C++ Programming and/or Game Design (most likely both if I can). I love technology, and I've always wanted to be able to code, so all this did was inspire me further! Awesome video!

  5. That was cool, I didn't know that coding had so much to do with everything you do in daily life.


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