

Welcome to godzillagrams! If you found this blog, you are probably in my class this year. My name is Mrs. Sol and I am a high school Computer Literacy, Creative Writing, and Yearbook teacher.

We will use this blog as a way to communicate with each other.  I will post helpful ideas, assignments, student projects and other resources throughout the semester.  Please check back often and join in the fun by leaving comments (using your first name only). Extra credit will be granted to those who choose to participate. It will be interesting to see what other students have written as well. If you would like to post some tech-related awesomeness on this blog, just k-mail it to me!

When you leave a comment or feedback for another student, please remember to be thoughtful and appropriate. Your comment will not post on the blog until I approve it.  I am the only one who will see it before it is approved, so keep it positive! 

Are you ready to join the blogging world? Check your k-mail for more information. Then stay tuned for our first official post in September.


  1. everything on this sight is so straight forward. i cant wait to get into this and learn about computer lit!

  2. This looks like an awesome way to get ideas across i;m looking forward to what this class has to bring.

  3. This seems like a great way to spice up a course! I've never done anything with blog before. Well, there's a first time for everything!

  4. A blog! A genius idea! :)

  5. I love that you are letting us blog for your class. Blogging can be really fun.

  6. I like the idea of a blog as extra credit. Trying to keep up with the assignments and remembering to state your comment. What was said above, straight forward and simple if you know what to do.

  7. Interesting idea a blog. Never though of that. We'll see what else you think of, eh?

  8. I still crack up if I read the intro to the course. XD It's all: THIS, children, is the INTERNET. THIS is how you OPEN the INTERNET.


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Your comment will be visible after Mrs. Sol approves it. Thanks!